


Do you mind if I play(1998年法国世界杯主题曲)

演唱者:尤索·恩多(Youssou N'Dour )& 阿克塞拉·瑞德(Axelle Red)


98年世界杯主题曲 瑞奇.马丁-生命之杯【The cup of life】


98年世界杯的主题曲是《生命之杯》(英语:The Cup of Life)。

《生命之杯》(英语:The Cup of Life)

作词:Luis Gómez Escolar

作曲:Desmond Child



The Cup Of Life

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)


Go, go, go (Go, go, go)

Ale, ale, ale (Ale, ale, ale)

Go (Go)

Go (Go)

Go (Go)

Go (Go)

Here we go!

The cup of life,

This is the one.

Now is the time,

Don't ever stop.

Push it along,

Gotta be strong,

Push it along,

Right to the top.

Como Cain y Abel

Es un partido cruel

Tienes que pelear por una estrella

Consigue con honor

La copa del amor

Para sobre vivir y luchar por ella

Luchar por ella (Yeah!)

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Here we go!! Ale, ale, ale

Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale

Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie

Go, go, goal!! Ale, ale, ale

La vida es


Hay que sonar

Ser campeon

La copa es

La bendicion

La ganaras

Go go go

And when you feel the heat,

The world is at your feet.

No one can hold you down

If you really want it!

Just steal your destiny

Right from the hands of fate.

Reach for the cup of life

'Cause your name is on it!

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Tu y yo, Ale, ale, ale!

Go, go, gol! Ale, ale, ale!

Tonight's the night! We're gonna celebrate!

The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale!

Gotta go and get it.

Do you really want it?

Gotta go and get it.

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

The cup of life,

This is the one.

Now is the time,

Don't ever stop.

Push it along,

Gotta be strong,

Push it along,

Right to the top.

Como Cain y Abel

Es un partido cruel

Tienes que pelear por una estrella

Consigue con honor

La copa del amor

Para sobrevivir y luchar por ella (SI!)

Luchar por ella (SI!)

Luchar por ella (Yeah!)

Do you really want it? (Yeah!)

Here we go! Ale, ale, ale!

Go, go, goal! Ale, ale, ale!

Tonight's the night! We're gonna celebrate!

The cup of life! Ale, ale, ale!

Un, dos, tres! Ole, ole, ole!

Un, deux, trois! Ale, ale, ale!

Arriba va!! El mundo esta de pie

Go, go, gol!! Ale, ale, ale!

Ale, ale (Ale, ale)

Ale, ale (Ale, ale)

Ale, ale (Ale, ale)

Ale, ale, ale!




原唱:Ricky Martin

填词:Luis Gómez Escolar

作曲:Desmond Child


The Cup of Life(生命之杯)

This is the one(这便是它)

Now is the time(就是现在)

Don't ever stop(不要停下)

Push it along(奋力向前)

Gotta be strong(自强自坚)

Push it along(奋力向前)

Right to the top(到世界之巅)


The feelin' in your soul(心中热烈的冲动)

Is gonna take control(就要将你掌控)

Nothing can hold you back(只要真心追求)

If you really want it(则没有什么可阻挡你)

I see it in your eyes(你热切的眼神中)

You want the cup of life(对奖杯的渴求在翻涌)

Now that the day is here(就是今天)

Gotta go and get it(为得到它而上场)

Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

Do you really want it ... (Yeah!)(你真的想要它吗?...(当然))

Chorus 1

Here we go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(共同出发,走走走)

Go, go, go! Ale, Ale, Ale!(前进前进前进,走走走)

Tonight's the night we're gonna celebrate(就在今晚,我们将要庆祝)

The cup of life... the world is ours today!(生命之杯,世界属于我们)



“生命之杯” 在世界杯之后也传播甚广,成为很多足球节目用来烘托气氛的第一选用曲目。歌曲中的鼓乐节奏和号角奏鸣都颇为煽情。歌曲中融合了英语以及西班牙语。




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